Relief of Headache Pain with Structural Energetic Therapy.
Some are easy to treat, and some quite difficult. The ones that are easily treated are generally due to stress and tension, and are usually successfully relieved with a relaxation massage. Other types of headaches resulting from structural imbalances, or injuries, car accidents, and trauma, are more challenging. However, no matter what the cause, headache and migraine sufferers are looking for a quick fix! There IS an answer!
Believe it or not, everyone is born with a structural distortion which creates instability in the spine and imbalances and weakness throughout the whole body. Accidents, injuries, aging, and life experiences cause the body to collapse further into that distortion causing pressure on nerves and inflammation, all of which often relate directly to headache and migraine pain. The ANSWER — Structural Energetic Therapy® techniques! In fact, part of this effective treatment for headache and migraine pain BEGINS in the head! Interesting!
Relief is only a phone call away!